Keeping Safe Online
Keeping Safe Online During School Closure
We know that during this lockdown some of our young people are going to be online a lot more than they would normally be and as a school we feel it is our responsibility to work with you to keep our young people safe online. It is not about banning things but teaching them how to use the Internet safely.
The link below takes you to the Thinkuknow website; this is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. When you click on the link below it will take you to their main page, click on the Parent /Carer link.
Once on the parents/carer page you will see it’s loaded with lots of information, it might be worthwhile taking some time to browse through some of the information. There is a link to download home activity packs which are age related these would be worth checking out.
At the bottom of the page there is a link to Jesse & Friends, there is a good video with parents saying how they used the videos to talk to their children about keeping safe on line. There are 3 episodes with downloadable storybooks to go with them.
Another resource is another 3 video series Play Like Share, this is also on the thinkuknow website, this is aimed at older children.
Due to the understanding of some of our children I find the videos aimed at younger children are usually better and most of our students do enjoy watching cartoons. So please check out the thinkuknow website
The videos below are ones that I use in my E-Safety Sessions with our students in school, so some of them should be familiar with them. Please watch and talk to your child about what is happening in the videos. The main points we always focus on is: do they know who they are talking to on line? know what is personal information and how to keep it safe and what to do if something or someone upsets them online.
CEOP KS1 Video Lee and Kim Cartoon - Suitable for 5 years +
CEOP KS2 Video Jigsaw - Suitable for 8 – Suitable for 8 years +
CEOP Video Know Your Friends with Josh and Sue – Suitable for 6 years +
Another two new resources that have just been made available to us are these below.
One has been made by Smoothwall Ltd which is a digital safety pack which you can download. This has a lot of practical information on how to keep young people safe and well when accessing the Internet at home.
The second resource is from the Children's Commissioner entitled Digital Safety and Wellbeing Kit. Once again this has a lot of useful resources to help you to keep your child safe and have a balanced time on the Internet.
If you have questions about keeping your child safe online or about some of the resources above please email me on the address below.
Also if you are concerned and want to report anything please use the button below.
Thanks Derek