Upper School
G1 are focusing on London as part of our Bright Lights, Big City topic. We've used atlases and globes to locate London and other UK cities meaningful to us, looked at London landmarks, written postcards from London, and we have just started to explore The Great Fire of London. We have used our scientific skills to build circuits to make light bulbs glow, looking at conductors of electricity and using symbols to draw and fix circuits. In cookery, we're aiming to create a Great British Afternoon Tea for our parents; we've been making miniature lemon drizzle cakes, bite-sized Eton Mess cheesecakes and tiny brownies. We've been using our Maths knowledge to halve and quarter recipes, as well as applying our place value learning to allow us to shop and budget for our ingredients. Later this term, we will be comparing London to another city around the world, looking at human and physical similarities and differences. We have been reading the story 'Katie in London' and we will be re-writing the story from the Lion's perspective, using our creative writing and story mountain skills. Alongside all of this, we've squeezed in swimming at the Neptune each week, an afternoon of rugby, creative Wednesdays, and we go out into the community every Monday afternoon - Cherry Hill, Saltburn, Preston Park and Wynyard Woodland to name a few places!
What a great start to the new school year. G2 have settled well into new routines and worked really hard!
Our topic this term is 'Bright Lights Big City' and G3 have been exploring cities around the world. We have learnt about the sights in London and enjoyed making and tasting afternoon tea. We set up our role play area as a noodle bar in Hong Kong and pretended to go on aeroplane to visit Rome. We have listened to music from the countries and followed symbol based recipes to cook vegetable stir fry and vegetable pasta bake in cookery. We have had a fantastic time learning about the Jewish festivals of Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot. We printed using apples and tasted apples dipped in honey. We worked as a team to build our own Sukkot shelters. We have had a great time and have loved settling back into school. Our next city to visit is Paris.
Content coming soon!
G5 have had a lovely first half term, and we have three boys who are brand new to Priory Woods who have settled in beautifully.
Our topic this half term has been Bright Lights, Big City. We have learned about London and compared this to New York.
More recently we have been learning about superheroes, and the children loved looking for worms when we read Superworm!
This half term G8 have jumped straight into our new topic Bright Lights, Big City we have enjoyed our weekly Makaton and Attention Autism exploring a range of bright lights and creating our own light sources. We have enjoyed our weekly community visits to the Senses Well-being Centre and Educational Outings where we are focusing on independent skills such as choice making, what we would like to order for snack and where we would like to walk too! We have lots of messy fun and we are all very happy to be back at school after our summer holidays.
In G9 this term we are enjoying the topic of ‘Bright Lights, Big City’. We love to have lights in our dark tent to explore and we have painted a big red London bus. We have been enjoying calm story massage moves to songs using our topic of ‘Lights’. As usual we have also been having fun in hydro, rebound, cooking, and out on the bus, and have been enjoying dancing to music from big cities around the world, with lots of exciting props.
Content coming soon!