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Priory Woods School & Arts College

Priory Woods School & Arts College A Special Place to Learn

Covid-19 Catch Up Premium

In June 2020 the government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up on missed learning caused by coronavirus (COVID19). This is especially important for the most vulnerable pupils and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds who we know have been most affected. We welcome the additional funding as it will enable us to provide additional support for our pupils who have been most affected by missing so much in-school education over the last year.

Total number of pupils


Catch-up Premium allocation (No. of pupils x £240)


How the catch-up funding will be spent in our school:


Purpose and Desired Outcome


Success will be measure by


Additional teaching assistant in the EYFS phase for one year

Additional support in place to support new reception starters who have missed a lot of planned transition opportunities. Support will be provided to meet the needs of the pupils as they become used to an unfamiliar environment and routines when they have not been in school for extended periods of time.


Pupils in EYFS will be settled and ready to move in to Y1. They will have made good ipsative progress towards their personalised learning intentions.


Training of a staff member to be an additional Thrive practitioner

There will be additional capacity within the school to provide targeted support for pupils’ social and emotional needs through the Thrive approach. This has been shown to improve pupils’ engagement and will support them to regulate their emotions and behaviour and therefore access the full range of learning opportunities.


Fully qualified Thrive practitioner will be delivering individual and small group Thrive sessions to identified students. Students will be better able to regulate their emotions and behaviour and therefore fully participate in lessons.



Training of a staff member to be an additional Team Teach Positive Behaviour Management Trainer

Additional capacity within the school to deliver Team Teach training and to support colleagues to develop holistic strategies around de-escalation and crisis intervention.

This will also build a stronger team confidence around supporting and understanding behaviours demonstrated by pupils.


Fully qualified Team Teach trainer in place working alongside the current team to deliver high quality training to all staff.



Additional teaching assistant to provide support for students in Upper School and Post 16 with the most complex behavioural needs (Fixed term one year 2021-22)

Additional support in place to work with students in G8, G9 and Post 16. These students have struggled due to the extended periods of disruption that school closures caused to their routines. An additional teaching assistant will support the delivery of planned   interventions and programmes such as Tree Tops and with the implementation of strategies to reduce episodes of challenging behaviour. This should improve engagement and pupil progress.


Incidents of challenging behaviour will have decreased and students will therefore be better able to access learning opportunities. Good progress will be made towards personalised learning outcomes.


Approved by Governors January 2021

Will be evaluated in Autumn Term 2021